Search Results for: collection florida

Florida Commercial Collection Agency Bond

What is a Collection Agency Bond in Florida? To understand collection agency bonds and their importance, delve into their definition and purpose, who needs them, and the types available. This will help you navigate the complex world of debt collection regulations and protect yourself from any

Florida Commercial Collection Agency Bond

Florida Commercial Collection Agency Bond ($50,000) The Collection Agency Surety Bond is required by the Florida Department of Financial Services. This Bond is required of principals that have applied for a license to own and do business in the state of Florida as a Collection Agency.

Florida Treasurers & Tax Collectors Bond

Florida Treasurers & Tax Collectors-All Subordinates Handling Money A Public Official Surety Bond is a type of Bond which guarantees that the public official will faithfully perform the official duties as per law. Public officials by definition are those who have been appointed to look after

Florida Peace Officers, Sheriff and Subordinates Bond

Florida Peace Officer’s- Sheriff’s and All Other Subordinates A Public Official Surety Bond is a type of Bond which guarantees that the public official will faithfully perform the official duties as per law. Public officials by definition are those who have been appointed to look after

Florida Judges Bond

Florida Judges Bond A Public Official Surety Bond is a type of Bond which guarantees that the public official will faithfully perform the official duties as per law. Public officials by definition are those who have been appointed to look after the welfare of the public

Florida Treasurers and Tax Collectors Bond – All

Florida Treasurers and Tax Collectors-All A Public Official Surety Bond is a type of Bond which guarantees that the public official will faithfully perform the official duties as per law. Public officials by definition are those who have been appointed to look after the welfare of

Collection Agency Bonds: Everything You Need to Know 2024

A collection agency bond, also known as a surety bond, is an essential requirement for debt collectors in order to ensure compliance with state laws and ethical practices. With this type of bonding solution available to them, collection agencies themselves are able to protect their clients
