
Georgia Money Transmitter Bond

Georgia Money Transmitter Bond
License & Permit Bonds
Price: $200
Georgia Money Transmitter Bond
The process of applying for a Georgia Money Transmitter Bond Surety Bond is a quick and straightforward process, typically taking only about five minutes from start to finish.

To purchase your Georgia Money Transmitter Bond simply click on the "Buy Now" button. You will then be guided through a brief set of questions. After which you'll pay online and sign using DocuSign. Your new surety bond will be signed and sealed as a full-color PDF document for printing.

Securing a Georgia Money Transmitter Bond surety bond is a commitment by principals to adhere to the stipulations of contractual and legal obligations.

Note: If the bond requires underwriting, it may take up to 24 hours.

Georgia Money Transmitter Bond

The State of Georgia
Georgia Money Transmitter Bond

Surety Bond Details

State: Georgia
Category: Georgia Money Transmi...
Class: License & Permit Bonds
Obligee: Georgia Department of...
Amount: Varies
Duration: Stated on Bond
Expiration: Stated on Bond

Cost: $200

The State of Georgia
Georgia Money Transmitter Bond
License & Permit Bonds
Georgia Department of Banking and Finance
Stated on Bond
Stated on Bond
SORPid: A-124

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Georgia Money Transmitter Bond Details

Georgia Money Transmitter Bond: All You Need to Know

Obtaining Georgia Money Transmitter Bonds are an essential step for any business in the industry to remain compliant and secure.  In this blog post, we'll provide essential details on what these bonds entail, along with instructions on how to apply for them and keep up-to-date with regulations.  With valuable tips about fulfilling requirements set by Georgia's laws governing the money transmitter license and bonds provided here, you can confidently manage your bond successfully.

Short Summary

  • Understanding Georgia Money Transmitter Bonds and their purpose to protect the public from potential financial losses.
  • Businesses engaging in money transmission services must obtain a bond, with licensing requirements overseen by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance (DBBF)

Understanding Georgia Money Transmitter Bonds

Money Transmitter Bond

Georgia Money Transmitter Bonds play a crucial role for companies in the money transmitter industry, otherwise known as a money services business.  These money transmitter license bonds guarantee that these entities abide by applicable laws and regulations of the state of Georgia to ensure fairness among all players while protecting customers simultaneously.

Securing such a bond is essential for any company transmitting monetary value within Georgia's borders since it is part of their licensing needs.  Understanding its importance and applying it correctly should be an important priority when obtaining a license so they can adhere entirely to legislation requirements from this region.

Purpose of the Bond

The Georgia Sale of Checks or Money Transmission Bond is a financial security measure that guarantees money transmitters in Georgia abide by its regulations and keep public funds safe.  This bond is an agreement between the company, the government, and a surety agency to ensure these businesses adhere to laws while protecting consumers from potential losses due to dishonest practices or failure.

In essence, it's like a form of insurance for customers.  Should something go wrong about how money transmitter companies fulfill their obligations, then they will be held financially responsible through this bond so people won't suffer any negative consequences.

Who Needs a Bond?

In Georgia, money transmitters and vendors of payment instruments are required to secure a bond for at least $100,000.  However, the DBBF may require additional bond coverage if the money transmitter's average daily outstanding balances exceed the current bond amount.  The maximum surety bond requirement is $2,000,000.

This is done by obtaining a Georgia Money Transmitter Bond to demonstrate compliance with legal requirements while ensuring customers against possible financial losses.  By acquiring this type of security, businesses can ensure they run an accountable operation when handling money transactions across state lines or nationwide within the United States.

Georgia Money Transmitter Licensing Requirements

surety bond requirements

The Georgia Department of Banking and Finance oversees money transmitters in the state, offering guidance on securely handling monetary transactions—companies wishing to obtain a Georgia Money Transmitter.  Bond must be well-versed with the licensing requirements and application process set forth by this Department.  Understanding these beforehand will help ensure smoother processing when applying.

Money transmitters in Georgia are mandated to adhere strictly to regulations issued by the finance division, including but not limited to gaining surety bonds which guarantee that consumers' funds remain safe at all times.

The coverage of a Georgia money transmitter bond includes:

  • Reimbursement of money that is not delivered or transmitted as promised.
  • Reimbursement of fees that are not refunded as promised.
  • Reimburse any other losses caused by the money transmitter's failure to comply with the law.

Fulfilling these criteria will enable businesses operating as money transmitters within the jurisdiction of Georiga to gain legal authorization from higher authorities such as banks or credit unions -and move forward towards expanding their business operations.

Georgia Money Transmitter License Bond Application Process

Surety Bond Application

To receive a Georgia Money Transmitter License Bond, businesses must file an application using the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS).  The Nationwide Multistate Licensing System website offers every form needed for this process, as detailed below.  To ensure quick processing time on one's behalf when getting licensed as a Money Transmitter, you need to follow all necessary steps closely and provide necessary documents appropriately so they can move forward.

Required Documents

For businesses obtaining a Georgia Money Transmitter License Bond, gathering all necessary paperwork and data is essential.  Such vital documents include:

  1. An approved Georgia surety bond ($100,000)
  2. Proof that you are certified with sufficient authority/good standing certificate
  3. Details outlining how the money will be transferred as part of operations (flow funds diagram)
  4. A description depicting who owns what within your business framework (ownership chart/description)
  5. A registered agent residing in GA
  6. Organization management outline drawn up for reference purposes (management chart)
  7. A list containing those licensed agents authorized by your enterprise or institution itself
  8. And finally, a comprehensive business plan

Preparing these elements can expedite the application process and increase one's chances of successfully procuring such licenses from Georgian authorities.  Thorough preparation minimizes potential hassles and underlines the importance of seeking compliance when applying for any money transmitter license.

Fees and Costs

Businesses must gather the proper documents and set aside money for various costs involved with their application.  This includes:

  1. A Georgia Application Fee
  2. A per-person Investigation Fee
  3. Credit Report fees for anyone in control
  4. An FBI Criminal Background Check fee (MU2)
  5. A Uniform Authorized Agent Reporting Processing for authorized agents.
  6. The Money Transmitter License Bond

To avoid significant financial setbacks during their process, companies should plan and account for expenses upfront so the approval and issuance of the license and bond run smoothly.

Determining Your Bond Amount

Surety Bond Costs

The Georgia Department of Banking and Finance determines the bond amount for a Georgia Money Transmitter business.  This is essential to ensure that state guidelines are followed and secure customers' interests.  To do this, one must know all licensing requirements and familiarize themselves with the application process before deciding on a specific bond figure.  Money transmitters located within Georga must have explicit knowledge about their obligations regarding legal regulation related to their business.

Factors Influencing Bond Amount

The Georgia Money Transmitter Bond amount is initially set at $100,000 by the Department.  Applicants with higher daily outstanding order values may be obligated to get a more significant bond depending on their financial stability and money transmission activities (i.e. if the money transmitter's average daily outstanding balances exceed the current bond), the DBBF may require additional coverage.  The maximum money transmitter surety bond requirement is $2,000,000.  The exact figure of the bond will be determined based on factors accordingly for each applicant separately.

Adjustments to Bond Amount

Businesses can protect their bond amount by proactively updating the surety company with updated financial data such as personal and business statements.  Doing this allows them to adjust their figure if specific changes in industry or regulations demand it, ensuring they stay compliant with state laws.  Businesses ensure the bond applies to its intended purpose by being flexible enough to adapt these modifications.

Obtaining Your Georgia Money Transmitter Bond

apply surety bond

To offer money services,  businesses ensure compliance with Georgia's regulations, and businesses need to obtain a Money Transmitter Bond.  To do this, they must locate a reputable surety bond provider and go through the appropriate bonding process related to Georgia licensing requirements, including determining necessary fees or the bond amount.

Once that is settled, money transmission activities within a business registered under the legal name of money services can commence without any hassle.

The Bonding Process

The Georgia Money Transmitter Bond application process is as simple as Click Pay and Print with  You start by filling out our online application with details such as the person or business' legal name and an online instant credit check.  Based on this information, the bond amount will be determined, and other factors related to their experience in this field (usually $100,000) will be established.  Then you pay online, Docusign the agreement, download the PDF of the bond, and Print your new Georgia Money Transmitter Bond.

This new surety bond is an agreement guaranteeing the regulations set forth by Georgia State law should any losses from customers occur due to a breach.  Money transmitter companies being able to protect themselves in advance by completing this required procedure keeps businesses compliant while guarding patrons against monetary damage.

Maintaining Compliance with Georgia Money Transmitter Regulations

Compliance Surety Bond

To stay up-to-date with Georgia Money Transmitter regulations, it is essential to maintain a valid license and bond.  This includes remaining compliant regarding reporting obligations and renewing and updating your bonding process when needed for maximum compliance.  Doing so keeps the money transmitter's status intact in Georgia.

Reporting Requirements

Licensees of Georgia Money Transmitter regulations must adhere to reporting deadlines, as any violations could incur a fine and license revocation.  For Protection against fines or potential consequences, it is beneficial to adjust surety bond coverage quarterly to cover average outstanding orders for money transfers and payment instruments issued/sold by the business.  Keeping up-to-date with such practices will maintain a good standing status on licenses and surety bonds.

Renewal and Updates

Money transmitter licensees in Georgia must remain compliant and maintain a good reputation.  This can be achieved by ensuring that their bond and associated information are up-to-date.  This will involve renewing the license yearly and any necessary updates submitted via NMLS online system.  Keeping track of this process regularly allows them to easily abide by the state's laws on Money Transmitter activities.


For any Georgia Money Transmitter to be successful, they must first acquire a Georgia Money Transmitter Surety bond.  This involves knowing the license requirements and selecting an appropriate bonding process stated amount through a trusted surety provider like  And by adhering to the regulations, you can guarantee your customer's security and grow your money transmitter business in Georgia.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the surety bond for a money transmitter in Georgia?

A money transmitter in the State of Georgia must obtain a surety bond with at least $100,000 as its initial amount.  If necessary, the Department of Banking and Finance may increase this amount to a two-million-dollar bond.  Those engaged in financial activities like transmitting money within the state boundaries need a reliable surety bond that meets all regulatory requirements set by authorities such as the Department of Banking and Finance.

What makes you a money transmitter?

Operating as a money transmitter requires adherence to stringent federal laws such as the Bank Secrecy Act, USA Patriot Act, and more.

In the United States, a company is considered a money transmitter if it meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • It engages in the transfer of funds as a business
  • It receives currency, funds, or other value that substitutes for currency and transfers currency, funds, or other value that substitutes for currency to another person or a location within or outside the United States.
  • It transfers over $1,000 per person daily in one or more transactions.

If a company meets one or more of these criteria, it is considered a money transmitter and must comply with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).  This includes registering with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and obtaining an individual state license to operate legally.

All these organizations have their compliance program that needs strict implementation for optimal results – right from monitoring finances securely and safely across borders (if applicable) up to verifying customers' identity (KYC) when necessary.

How much does a surety bond cost in Georgia?

In Georgia, the cost of surety bonds is determined by their bond amount and rate (the proportion you must pay to the monetary value of the total sum).  Usually ranging between 1-15%, these bonds are calculated based on specified amounts.

What is an example of a money transmitter?

Money transmitters, such as banks, online payment services (e.g., Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Square, Western Union, and Moneygram), or even crypto exchanges like Coinbase or, manage money flow from one individual to another.  To ensure customers' safety, these entities must adhere to numerous regulations enacted by both federal and state authorities.  Doing so helps guarantee the secure transmission of funds between individuals/places while protecting consumers using these services.

What is the purpose of a Georgia Money Transmitter Bond?

The State of Georgia relies on a Money Transmitter Bond to guarantee that money transmitters meet their commitments, protecting individuals and companies from potential economic damages.  The primary focus is safeguarding funds in transactions related to the issuance or exchange by Georgia-based money-transmitter businesses.

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A Sabrina's Bail B.
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