Obligee: Department of Consumer Affairs Surety Bonds

South Carolina Performance Bond of Pre-need Funeral Contracts

South Carolina – Performance Bond of Pre-need Funeral Contracts Bond The South Carolina Departmnet of Consumer Affairs requires a special type of Surety Bond called a preneed funeral Bond to make sure funeral homes maintain their contracts and conduct business ethically. These Bonds make the funeral home liable for misappropriated funds or contract breeches. They also protect the public from dishonest or unethical business practices on the part of the funeral home. Just as with other consumer-oriented Bonds, the preneed funeral Bond is a way for consumers to feel more confident about their purchases. The preneed consumer Bond ensures that an impartial third party will step in between the consumer and funeral home should there be a dispute about the contract. This encourages consumers to do business with a reputable funeral home that executes Bonds for each preneed funeral contract.

South Carolina Physical Fitness Services Bond

South Carolina Physical Fitness Services Bond If you are engaged in physical fitness services in the State of South Carolina, you are required by the Department of Consumer Affairs to execute a South Carolina Physical Fitness Services Bond to ensure compliance with Section 44-79-80 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina.

South Carolina Pawnbroker Surety Bond

South Carolina Pawnbroker Surety Bond ($15,000) A Pawnbroker Surety Bond in the amount of $15,000.00 is required by the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs, prior to conducting business within the state. The Bond guarantees that the applicant (Pawnbroker) will comply with the S.C. Pawnbroker Act https://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t40c039.php and provide contracted pawnbroker services to customers. If the principal violates this code and the terms of the surety bond contract, the bond protects the state and consumers from financial loss.

South Carolina Mortgage Broker Special Deposit Bond

South Carolina Mortgage Broker Special Deposit Bond ($25,000) A Mortgage Broker Special Deposit Bond is required by the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs to become a license mortgage broker. This Bond guarantees that the applicant (Mortgage Broker) will comply with the law and provide any contracted mortgage broker services to his/her customers.
