Obligee: Louisiana Real Estate Commission Surety Bonds

Louisiana Appraisal Management Company Bond

Louisiana Appraisal Management Company Bond ($20,000) Under the terms of LA R.S. 37:3415.3.D(1), every applicant for an Appraisal Management Company license, or renewal of such license, shall file a corporate bond, cash bond, or security with the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board to secure compliance with the Appraisal Management Company Licensing and Regulation Act, R.S. 37:3415.1, et seq., and every Appraisal Management Company shall fully and faithfully observe the express provisions of the Act and the Rules and Regulations promulgated and adopted there under by the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board pursuant to the authority of the Act.

Louisiana Real Estate Education Vendor Bond

Louisiana Real Estate Education Vendor Bond ($5,000) The Education Division is housed within the Education and Licensing Department of the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Our function is to regulate and oversee real estate schools and vendors and the education programs they provide. It is our goal to ensure that quality education is available and accessible to licensees and applicants at all times. Our effort is ongoing and we work closely in conjunction with the Commission Education and Publication Committee to meet our goal. A licensed vendor is required to obtain a $5,000.00 surety bond as a part of the licensing process.

Louisiana Real Estate School Bond

Louisiana Real Estate School Bond ($10,000) The Education Division is housed within the Education and Licensing Department of the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Our function is to regulate and oversee real estate schools and vendors and the education programs they provide. It is our goal to ensure that quality education is available and accessible to licensees and applicants at all times. Our effort is ongoing and we work closely in conjunction with the Commission Education and Publication Committee to meet our goal. A surety bond in the amount of $10,000 is required for all licensed real estate schools in the State of Louisiana.
