Archives: Bonds

South Carolina Permit Bond (County of Spartanburg)

South Carolina Permit bond (County of Spartanburg) A surety bond is required in order to secure a permit for work along public highways or other public roadways. The permit may be required for excavation, grading, sidewalk, encroachment, maintenance or other roadway work. The bonds typically ensure

Tennessee Telecommunications Service Provider Bond

Tennessee Telecommunications Service Provider ($20,000) The Telecommunications Service Provider Surety Bond is required by the state of Tennessee Regulatory Authority. The Bond amount (Penalty) required is $20,000. This Bond is required of principals that have applied to the TRA to provide telecommunications service to the state

Florida Process Server 18th. Judicial Circuit

Florida Process Server 18th. Judicial Circuit-Seminole County The Florida Process Server Surety Bond, ensures the Process Server will truly and faithfully comply with the provisions of statutes in the State of Florida. Our Process Server Bonds are issued easily and without a credit check. After paying

Florida Professional Guardian Bond

Florida Professional Guardian Bond ($50,000) This Bond is required by the Governor of the State of Florida and ensures the Guardian shall faithfully perform all duties required by law, regarding the ward or ward’s assets.

Georgia Malt Beverage Wholesalers Bond

Georgia Malt Beverage Wholesaler Bond The current tax is $1.08 per standard case of 24 twelve-once containers (4.5 cents per can) plus a uniform local beer tax of $1.20 per standard case (5 cents per can) Wholesaler or Wholesale Dealer means any person who sells alcoholic

Florida Process Server Bond – 5th Judicial Circuit

Florida Process Server 5th. Judicial Circuit ($5,000) The Florida Process Server Surety Bond, ensures the Process Server will truly and faithfully comply with the provisions of statutes in the State of Florida. Our Process Server Bonds are issued easily and without a credit check. After paying

Georgia Agriculture Products Dealer Bond

Georgia Agriculture Products Dealer Bond Georgia laws require that certain businesses or individuals purchasing agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, eggs and pecans) from or selling for Georgia producers or storing certain agricultural products (see warehousing in list below) maintain adequate surety bond coverage. The purpose of this

Town of Dundee Florida Contractor License Bond

Florida Contractor License bond-Town of Dundee ($5,000) Contractor License Bond – Contractors are required to post a license or permit Bond before they can legally do business in Cities or Towns in the State of Florida. License and permit Bonds in Florida are issued as per

Georgia Executor Bond

Georgia Executor Bond An Executor is the person named in a will, who is responsible for managing and distributing the estate of someone who has died. The Executor Bond ensures that the Executor fulfills all duties faithfully and completely. This Bond protects against possible fraud or
