Archives: Bonds

Mississippi Pawnbroker Bond

Mississippi Pawnbroker Bond ($10,000) A Pawnbroker license Bond is required for people who engage in the business of lending money on a deposit or on a pledge of personal property against a security written evidence. Without an adequate license, no person can carry on the pawnbroker

Florida Hunting and Fishing License Agent Bond

Florida Sale of Hunting and Fishing License Bond ($1,000) Florida Hunting and Fishing License Bond is required by The Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission to comply with the State licensing requirements. Each state has drafted their own Hunting and Fishing License Bond Form, so you will

South Carolina Modular Manufacturer License Bond

South Carolina Modular Manufacturer License Bond The Modular Manufacturer License Bond is required by the Building Codes Council for anyone pursuing a license as a Modular Manufacturer. This Bond guarantees that the applicant will comply with the duties of the license and will perform business within

Florida Notary Public Bond

Florida Notary Public Bond ($7,500) A notary bond in the amount of $7,500 is required by law in Florida. A bond is required by the State to be available in order to compensate an individual harmed as a result of a breach of duty by the

City of Pearl MS Contractor License Bond

City of Pearl, MS Contractor Bond ($5,000) A Contractor License Bond is a required by the state or county for the issuance of an active license, reactivation of a license, and for the maintenance of an actively renewed license. The Bond is filed for the benefit

Tennessee Injunction Bond

Tennessee Injunction Bond An Injunction Bond is a judicial order issued by a court in favor of the plaintiff whereby the defendant is required to do or refrain from doing a particular act until the issue is decided in court. The Bond guarantees that the plaintiff

South Carolina Payment Bond

A payment bond covers payment of subcontractors, laborers and materials suppliers associated with the project. Payment bonds are issued for the protection of those supplying labor or materials to a particular bonded project.

Georgia Brewpub Performance and Tax Liability Bond

Georgia Brewpub License Bond A Brewpub is any eating establishment in which beer or malt beverages are manufactured or brewed, subject to the barrel production limitation prescribed in Code Section 3-5-36 for retail consumption on the premises and solely in draft form. As used in this

Louisiana Auctioneer Bond

Louisiana Auctioneer Bond ($10,000) Each applicant for licensure as a resident auctioneer, apprentice auctioneer, or auction business shall deliver to and deposit with the board at the time of application either the sum of ten thousand dollars in cash or a surety bond in the amount
