Archives: Bonds

Louisiana Educational Services Bond

Louisiana Notary Educational Services Bond ($25,000) This bond is required by the Louisiana Secretary of State. It is required at the time of application for any person who wishes to provide educational services to notaries within the State of Louisiana.

Florida generic Utility Bond (Individual)

Florida Generic Utility Bond (Individual) In certain cities in Florida a Utility Bond is offered as a replacement to a cash deposit. This Bond states that the applicant (Principal) has entered into contract with the Utility (obligee) and that the applicant will pay fully and promptly

Mississippi Mortgage Broker Bond

Mississippi Mortgage Broker Bond Mortgage Brokers are real estate financing experts that help people find and negotiate financing terms for their specific mortgage. In addition to being licensed, mortgage brokers must also post a surety bond to ensure compliance with state regulations governing this line of

Louisiana County Contractor License Bond

Louisiana Generic Contracor License Bond (County) Throughout Louisiana various Parishes have different requirements governing the licensing of contractors doing work in a particular parish. This bond is structured to cover any individual parish in which a contractor wishes to work. This bond does not cover all

How to Get A Louisiana Payment Bond in 2024

A payment bond covers payment of subcontractors, laborers and materials suppliers associated with the project. Payment bonds are issued for the protection of those supplying labor or materials to a particular bonded project.

Georgia Third Party Administrator Bond

Georgia Third Party Administrator Bond The Third Party Administrator Bond is required by the state of Georgia, Commissioner of Insurance. This Bond ensures that the principal as the administrator, performs fully and admirably with accounting and applications of all monies coming into their possession. This Bond

Louisiana Proprietary School Solicitors Bond

Louisiana Proprietary School Solicitor Bond ($1,000 per Solicitor) A Louisiana licensed proprietary school solicitor solicits prospective students within the State of Louisiana to enroll in an approved school located within or outside the state. The surety bond protects any studen suffering lossas a result of any

Mississippi Patient Trust Fund Bond

Mississippi Trust Fund Bond Louisiana Patient Trust Fund Bond is required by The Louisiana Department Of Health And Hospitals to comply with the State licensing requirements. Each state has drafted their own Patient Trust Fund Bond Form, so you will need a different Patient Trust Fund

Tennessee Fidelity Bond

Tennessee Fidelity Bond A fidelity bond is considered a component of a business’s risk management that covers them for losses that they incur because of specific acts by particular individuals. It usually insures for losses caused by the fraudulent and/or dishonest acts of its staff. While

Florida Pari-Mutuel Wagering Bond

Florida Para-Mutual Wagering Bond ($50,000) Parimutuel betting differs from fixed-odds betting in that the final payout is not determined until the pool is closed � in fixed odds betting, the payout is agreed at the time the bet is sold. Parimutuel gambling is frequently state-regulated, and

Mississippi Appeal Bond

Mississippi Appeal Bond An amount of money placed in holding while the appeal is being decided. An Appeal Bond is supplied by the appellant (plaintiff) who is appealing the court’s judgment and is usually in the amount of the original judgment (though it could be more).
