Archives: Bonds

City of New Orleans Stormwater Management Plan Bond

City of New Orleans Stormwater Management Plan Performance Bond When the landscape and stormwater management plans are approved, the City requires performance bond in the amount of twenty-five (25%) percent of the initial combined costs, which shall be posted prior to the issuance of the building

South Carolina Polygraph Examiner Bond

South Carolina Polygraph Examiners Bond ($5,000) South Carolina Polygraph Examiners are required under Act No. 1487 of the 1972 Acts of the General Assembly of South Carolina to file a South Carolina Polygraph Examiner Bond as a condition of licensure. This type of bond aims to

South Carolina Mortgage Broker Special Deposit Bond

South Carolina Mortgage Broker Special Deposit Bond ($25,000) A Mortgage Broker Special Deposit Bond is required by the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs to become a license mortgage broker. This Bond guarantees that the applicant (Mortgage Broker) will comply with the law and provide any

Georgia Fidelity Bond

Georgia Fidelity Bond A fidelity bond is considered a component of a business’s risk management that covers them for losses that they incur because of specific acts by particular individuals. It usually insures for losses caused by the fraudulent and/or dishonest acts of its staff. While

South Carolina Public Official Collectors Bond

A public official bond is a type of surety bond used to ensure that public officials meet the obligations of their position. Like other surety bonds, public official bonds provide an agreement between several parties. In this case, that agreement is between a public official, the

Florida Public Adjuster Bond

Florida Public Adjuster’s Bond ($50,000) The Public Adjuster Surety Bond is required by the state of Florida, Department of Financial Services. The Bond amount required is $50,000. This Bond ensures the principal faithfully and promptly handles all monies and accounts under all Florida codes and regulations.

Georgia Athlete Agent Bond

Georgia Athlete Agent Bond ($10,000) A Georgia Athlete Agent Bond is required by The Georgia Athletic And Entertainment Regulatory Commission to comply with the state licensing requirements before they are eligible to contact an athlete. Each state has drafted its own Athlete Agent Bond Form, so

Tennessee Modular Building Units Dealer Bond

Tennessee Modular Units Dealer Bond ($50,000) The Dealer of Modular Building Units Surety Bond is required by the state of Tennessee Commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Insurance. The Bond amount (Penalty) required for this Bond is $50,000. This Bond is designed to protect anyone
