Obligee: Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce Surety Bonds

Mississippi Grain Warehouseman Bond

Mississippi Grain Warehouseman’s Bond Warehouseman’s Surety Bond is required by the state of Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture. This Bond requires the principal to fully and faithfully fulfill all duties of a grain warehouseman under the Mississippi law. The principal must also fulfill any and all duties of a grain dealer as well where applicable. It guarantees that the applicant will faithfully comply with law.

Mississippi Blanket Weighmasters Bond

Mississippi Weighmasters Bond ($5,000) Bonded Weighmasters LawSection 75-27-301 through 75-27-325 Establishes qualifications and provides for licensing and bonding of persons engaged in the business of public weighing. Requires a bonded weighmaster to provide at his/her own expense an official seal for use on each weight certificate issued by him/her.
