
Top Surety Bond Providers: Find Who Sells Bonds Near You

Top 3 Who Sells Surety Bonds Near You in 2024


If you’re trying to find out who sells surety bonds, you’re likely looking for a reliable provider that can ensure quick, comprehensible service. Surety bonds are crucial for businesses and individuals who need to guarantee the performance of contractual obligations. They serve as a safety net, ensuring all parties involved in a contractual agreement adhere to the terms set forth.

Surety bonds are not only a regulatory requirement in many industries but also a vital tool for protecting financial investments against losses due to non-compliance or misconduct. This is particularly relevant in industries such as construction, where bonds safeguard project owners from financial harm should a contractor fail to complete a job as per the agreement.

For those seeking convenience and efficiency, companies such as Surety Bonds Co offer streamlined services that provide instant online quotes and approvals. This means you can obtain your required bond quickly, without the usual delays that can hinder your projects or business operations.

Infographic showing steps to acquire a surety bond from contact to completion - who sells surety bonds infographic pillar-5-steps

What is a Surety Bond?


A surety bond is a legally binding agreement involving three parties: the obligee (the party who requires the bond), the principal (the party who needs to perform the obligations), and the surety (the party that guarantees the principal can fulfill the obligations). This bond serves as a safety net for the obligee, ensuring they are compensated if the principal fails to meet their duties.


Surety bonds come in various forms, each designed to meet specific needs across different industries:
License and Permit Bonds: Required by government agencies to grant licenses or permits.
Contract Bonds: Guarantee the completion of contractual obligations, especially in construction.
Commercial Bonds: Cover obligations required by state laws or regulations.
Court Bonds: Needed in judicial proceedings to ensure protection from a possible loss as a result of the outcome.
Fidelity Bonds: Protect businesses from losses caused by fraudulent acts of employees.


The primary function of a surety bond is to protect the obligee against losses resulting from the principal’s failure to fulfill the contract or legal obligations. Here’s how it works:
1. Protection: The obligee is protected in case the principal does not comply with the terms.
2. Assurance: The surety provides a guarantee that the principal will perform their duties; if not, the surety will compensate the obligee.
3. Compliance: It enforces the principal to adhere to the terms agreed upon with the obligee.

For example, in construction, if a contractor (the principal) fails to complete a project, the surety bond will cover the cost to complete the project, protecting the project owner (the obligee) from financial loss.

Surety Bonds Co, along with other specialized agencies, plays a crucial role in providing these bonds. They assess the risk and credibility of the principal and issue bonds accordingly, ensuring a smooth operational flow in transactions that require surety bonds. This system not only supports business integrity but also promotes trust and reliability across various sectors.

Continuing on, let’s explore how you can obtain a surety bond and what you might need to qualify for one.

How to Obtain a Surety Bond

Obtaining a surety bond can seem daunting, but it’s quite straightforward once you understand the steps involved. Whether you’re a contractor needing a bond for a new project or a business owner requiring a bond to comply with licensing laws, the process is generally the same. Here’s a breakdown:

Application Process

  1. Identify the Type of Bond You Need: Different situations call for different types of bonds. Determine whether you need a license and permit bond, a performance bond, or another type.
  2. Complete an Application: You’ll need to provide details about your business, the purpose of the bond, and the required bond amount.
  3. Submit Necessary Documents: This could include financial statements, business licenses, or other relevant paperwork that supports your application.

Qualification Criteria

To qualify for a surety bond, you must meet certain criteria:
Credit Score: A good credit score can influence the approval and cost of your bond.
Financial Strength: You may need to provide proof of financial stability, such as balance sheets or income statements.
Industry Experience: Demonstrating experience in your field can assure the surety of your ability to fulfill obligations.

Instant Online Quotes

  • Quick and Easy: With platforms like Surety Bonds Co, you can apply online and receive instant quotes. This makes it easy to compare costs and terms from the comfort of your home or office.
  • No Obligation: These instant quotes are typically free and come without any obligation to purchase, allowing you to explore different options.

After receiving your quote, if it meets your needs, you can usually proceed to purchase the bond online. The surety company will then provide you with all the necessary documentation to prove that you are bonded.

This streamlined process not only saves time but also simplifies what could otherwise be a complex undertaking. With tools and support from providers like Surety Bonds Co, obtaining the right surety bond is just a few clicks away. Next, we will delve into the costs associated with different types of surety bonds and what factors influence these costs.

Top Surety Bond Providers in Your Area

When searching for “who sells surety bonds” near you, it’s crucial to know the most reliable providers. Here’s a breakdown of the top sources where you can secure a surety bond:

Surety Bonds Co

Surety Bonds Co stands out as a top provider, offering a wide range of surety bonds. What sets them apart is their commitment to simplifying the bonding process. They provide:

  • Instant Online Quotes: Get an estimate quickly without waiting.
  • Immediate Approval: Speed through the application process with fast approvals.
  • Download and Print: Access your bond documents immediately after approval.

Their user-friendly platform ensures you can manage the entire process from your computer or mobile device, making them a convenient choice for busy professionals.

Local Insurance Agencies

Local insurance agencies are a good option if you prefer a face-to-face interaction. These agencies often have deep knowledge of the specific bonding requirements of your state or region. Here’s why you might consider them:

  • Personalized Service: They can offer tailored advice based on your specific needs.
  • Local Knowledge: Their understanding of local laws ensures that your bond complies with all regional requirements.

To find a reputable local agency, check online reviews or ask for recommendations from other businesses in your industry.

Specialized Surety Bond Agencies

For those who need specific types of bonds, specialized surety bond agencies offer expertise that general insurers might not. These agencies focus solely on bonds, providing:

  • Expert Guidance: They can navigate complex requirements and suggest the best options.
  • Wide Range of Bonds: Access to a broader array of bond types that may not be available through general providers.

Specialized agencies are particularly useful for high-risk bonds or when you need a bond tailored to niche business requirements.

By choosing the right provider, you ensure that the bonding process supports your business’s needs without unnecessary complications. Whether you opt for the convenience and speed of an online provider like Surety Bonds Co, the personalized touch of a local insurance agency, or the specialized knowledge of a dedicated surety agency, you have solid options to secure the necessary protection for your projects. Next, let’s explore the costs associated with different types of surety bonds and the factors that influence these costs.

Cost of Surety Bonds

Understanding the cost of surety bonds is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. The cost can vary widely based on several factors:

Factors Affecting Cost

  1. Type of Bond: Different bonds carry different levels of risk. For example, performance bonds typically have higher premiums than simple license and permit bonds.
  2. Credit History: Applicants with strong credit scores often enjoy lower rates. A poor credit history can increase the cost significantly.
  3. Bond Amount: The higher the bond amount, the higher the premium, as the potential risk to the surety is greater.
  4. Industry: Some industries are considered higher risk than others. Construction, for instance, often sees higher bond costs due to the complexities and high failure rates of projects.
  5. State Regulations: Each state has its own regulations and requirements for surety bonds, which can affect pricing.

Cost Range by State

The cost of surety bonds can differ from state to state due to local regulatory environments and market conditions. For instance, a $10,000 notary bond might cost around $50 in Texas but could be priced differently in Ohio depending on local laws and the competitive landscape.

Instant Online Quotes

One of the most convenient ways to find out the exact cost of the surety bond you need is through instant online quotes. Platforms like Surety Bonds Co offer a fast, straightforward quoting process. Here’s how it typically works:

  • Fill Out a Form: Provide some basic information about the bond you need.
  • Receive Your Quote: Technology allows for immediate calculation and delivery of your quote.
  • Purchase Your Bond: If satisfied, you can often purchase and download your bond instantly.

This process not only saves time but also allows you to quickly compare costs across different providers.

With this understanding of how surety bond costs are determined and the ability to quickly obtain quotes, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial and business strategies. Next, we’ll delve into the specific types of surety bonds available and their applications.

Types of Surety Bonds

When exploring who sells surety bonds, it’s crucial to understand the different types available. Each type serves a unique purpose and is suited to specific business needs. Here are the main categories:

License and Permit Bonds

Purpose: These bonds are often required before a business can receive a license or permit to operate legally. They ensure that the business will adhere to laws and regulations.

Common Uses: Common for contractors, electricians, plumbers, and other professionals who must comply with local, state, or federal laws.

Performance Bonds

Purpose: Performance bonds are critical in construction and contracting. They guarantee that the contractor completes the project according to the contractual terms.

Common Uses: Used in public and private construction projects to protect the investment of the project owner against poor workmanship or non-completion.

Fidelity Bonds

Purpose: Fidelity bonds protect businesses from losses caused by fraudulent acts committed by employees. These are more about protecting the business’s assets rather than fulfilling a legal requirement.

Common Uses: Often used by businesses that handle cash or sensitive information, such as financial institutions or large corporations with multiple employees.

Court Bonds

Purpose: Court bonds are required in various judicial proceedings to ensure protection from a possible loss during litigation by one of the parties.

Common Uses: Used by administrators of estates, guardians, or in cases of appeal to secure the legal process.

Each type of bond ensures a specific form of compliance or performance, providing peace of mind to clients, government agencies, and businesses. Understanding these bonds helps in making an informed decision when you approach providers like Surety Bonds Co, who specialize in these products.

With this knowledge, you can better navigate the complexities of surety bonds and choose the right type for your needs. Next, let’s look into some common questions people have about surety bonds.

Frequently Asked Questions about Surety Bonds

Do banks issue surety bonds?

No, banks do not typically issue surety bonds. Banks mostly deal with financial products like loans and credit facilities. For surety bonds, you would need to approach specialized entities.

How much does a surety bond cost?

The cost of a surety bond can vary widely depending on several factors:
The type of bond you need (e.g., license and permit, performance bonds).
The risk associated with the bond. High-risk bonds, like those for construction projects, typically cost more.
The applicant’s credit history and financial stability.

Generally, bond prices range from 1% to 15% of the total bond amount. For example, a $50,000 bond at a 1% rate would cost $500.

What are the top surety bond companies for 2023?

When you’re looking for who sells surety bonds, consider these top providers known for their reliability and service:
Preferred Bonding & Insurance Services: Known for their personalized service and quick turnaround on bond approvals.
KOG International: They have a strong reputation for handling complex and high-value surety bonds.
Valley Surety Insurance Agency: Offers a wide range of bond types and is praised for their customer support and expertise in the field.

These companies are recognized for their ability to handle both low-risk and high-risk bonds efficiently, backed by their robust underwriting processes.

Insurance companies, Brokers, and Dealers

When you’re looking to buy a surety bond, you can also consider:
Insurance Companies: Many large insurers provide surety bonds as part of their portfolio of services. They have the capacity to assess risk effectively.
Brokers and Dealers: These professionals can help connect you with the right surety bond provider. They are particularly useful if you are looking for the best rates and terms.

Each of these options has its own set of benefits, and the right choice may depend on your specific needs and circumstances.

By understanding these basics, you can approach the process of obtaining a surety bond with greater confidence and clarity.


When it comes to securing a surety bond, choosing the right provider is crucial. The benefits of being bonded extend far beyond simply meeting legal or contractual obligations; they also instill confidence in your clients and partners, demonstrating your commitment to fulfilling your duties responsibly.

Choosing the Right Provider

Selecting the appropriate surety bond provider involves considering several key factors:
Experience: Look for providers with a proven track record. Experienced agencies understand the nuances of the industry and can navigate complex situations.
Financial Strength: A financially stable provider ensures that claims are covered without delay. This is critical for maintaining your reputation and operational continuity.
Customer Service: Opt for a provider that offers excellent customer support. Prompt and helpful service can make the bonding process smoother and less stressful.

Benefits of Being Bonded

Being bonded offers numerous advantages:
Trust and Credibility: It reassures your clients that you are a safe choice and that their interests are protected.
Competitive Edge: In many industries, being bonded gives you a leg-up on competitors who are not.
Compliance and Security: Bonds ensure compliance with industry regulations, reducing the risk of legal complications.

Contact Surety Bonds Co for Instant Quotes

At Surety Bonds Co, we understand the importance of quick and efficient service. That’s why we offer instant online quotes, allowing you to get bonded quickly and with ease. Our team is committed to providing tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.

If you’re ready to secure your project with a trusted surety bond service, contact us today. We’re here to guide you, answer your questions, and provide the surety bond service you need to move forward with confidence.

For more detailed information on the types of bonds we offer, such as fidelity bonds, please visit our fidelity bond service page.

Choosing the right surety bond provider can make a significant difference in your business operations. By considering the provider’s experience, ratings, and flexibility, you ensure a seamless bonding experience that supports your business goals. At Surety Bonds Co, we are dedicated to your success, one bond at a time.

Top Surety Bond Providers: Find Who Sells Bonds Near You

Top Surety Bond Providers: Find Who Sells Bonds Near You

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Palmetto Surety Corporation deserves a solid 5-star review for their outstanding service. They have played a pivotal role in helping countless agents and agencies here in North Carolina start, grow, and sustain their businesses. Scott, Donnie, Shanelle, and the entire team are truly top-notch.What truly distinguishes them is their unwavering professionalism and a track record of supporting local agents and agencies. Palmetto Surety Corporation goes above and beyond to provide a level of service that sets the industry standard.Palmetto Surety Corporation is the go-to choice for anyone seeking a reliable surety in North Carolina. Thank you, Palmetto Surety Corporation, for your invaluable assistance!
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