
Investing in Fidelity Bonds: A Guide to the Best Options

Top 5 Best Fidelity Bonds for Secure Income in 2024


When searching for the best fidelity bonds, it’s crucial to understand their core function and how they can serve as an essential part of your investment portfolio. Fidelity bonds, particularly those designed to protect against losses due to fraud or dishonesty by employees, are vital for companies managing financial risks.

  • Fidelity Bond Funds for Steady Income: Such funds offer investment in a mix of high-yield and investment-grade bonds.
  • Importance in Risk Management: Acts as insurance against losses due to employee dishonesty.
  • Diversification: Helps in balancing an investment portfolio, reducing overall risk.

Fidelity bonds are a type of insurance that businesses purchase to protect themselves against potential losses caused by fraudulent acts committed by their employees. They are not only a safeguard but also a sign of good faith to customers and partners that a business is secure and trustworthy.

Given their dual role as both protective measures and investment vehicles, choosing the right fidelity bond is essential. This involves considering factors like coverage limits, the reputation of the insurer, and the specific risks faced by your business.

Financial stability is not just about generating revenue but also about preventing unnecessary losses. With fidelity bonds, businesses can achieve peace of mind, knowing they are protected against the financial consequences of internal fraud.

Description of infographic: This infographic provides a visual summary on what fidelity bonds cover, showing various scenarios such as employee theft, fraud, and other dishonest acts. It also highlights the impact of these bonds on risk management within a company. Different types of fidelity bonds such as first-party and third-party are depicted, along with typical industries that require these bonds. - best fidelity bonds infographic pillar-3-steps

Understanding Fidelity Bonds

Types of Fidelity Bonds

Fidelity bonds come in two main types:

  1. First-party fidelity bonds: These protect businesses from losses due to dishonest acts by their own employees, such as theft or fraud.
  2. Third-party fidelity bonds: These cover the financial losses a client might suffer because of dishonest acts by the business’s employees while on the client’s premises or handling their assets.

Benefits of Fidelity Bonds

Investing in fidelity bonds offers several advantages:

  • Security: They provide a safety net against losses from internal dishonesty.
  • Trust: They enhance the trustworthiness of a business in the eyes of clients and partners.
  • Risk Management: Acts as a form of insurance by mitigating risks associated with employee dishonesty.

Risks Associated with Fidelity Bonds

While fidelity bonds offer protection, they also come with risks:

  • Coverage Limits: There might be limits to the coverage amount, which may not fully cover all losses.
  • Exclusions: Certain acts of dishonesty might not be covered under the bond terms.

Investment-grade vs. High-yield

When choosing fidelity bonds, you can decide between investment-grade and high-yield options:

  • Investment-grade bonds are safer as they are issued by entities with higher credit ratings. They offer lower returns compared to high-yield bonds but are less risky.
  • High-yield bonds, often termed as ‘junk’ bonds, are issued by entities with lower credit ratings. They offer higher returns but come with a higher risk of default.

Understanding these aspects will help you make informed decisions on which best fidelity bonds suit your needs, balancing the potential risks and benefits according to your financial strategy. This knowledge sets the stage for selecting the right fidelity bond funds that align with your income goals and risk tolerance.

Best Fidelity Bond Funds for Steady Income

When it comes to selecting the best fidelity bonds for steady income, it’s important to consider various options that align with your income goals and risk tolerance. Here’s a breakdown of some top Fidelity bond funds that are known for providing consistent income:

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund (FNMIX)

  • Yield: 6.5%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.79%
  • Focus: Invests primarily in debt securities of emerging market countries. Offers higher potential returns due to the riskier nature of emerging markets.

Fidelity High Income Fund (SPHIX)

  • Yield: 7.3%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.85%
  • Focus: Aims to provide a high level of current income by investing in lower-quality debt securities, including junk bonds.

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

  • Yield: Information not available; typically higher due to global high-yield opportunities.
  • Expense Ratio: Information not available.
  • Focus: Invests in international high-yield bonds, providing income through diversified global exposure.

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund (FSAHX)

  • Yield: 7%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.70%
  • Focus: Focuses on shorter-duration high-yield bonds. Less sensitive to interest rate changes, making it a safer option during volatile market conditions.

Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX)

  • Yield: 8.7%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.72%
  • Focus: Invests in floating rate loans and other debt instruments. Yields adjust with market rates, offering protection against rising interest rates.

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF (FDHY)

  • Yield: 7%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.45%
  • Focus: Provides exposure to U.S. high-yield corporate bonds. Utilizes a rules-based approach to select bonds based on credit risk factors.

Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF (FSYD)

  • Yield: 7.2%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.55%
  • Focus: Focuses on high-yield bonds from issuers with favorable environmental, social, and governance (ESG) characteristics.

Each of these funds offers a unique approach to income generation through bonds, allowing investors to choose based on their comfort with risk, desired yield, and investment horizon. Whether you prefer the potential high returns of emerging markets or the relative safety of shorter-duration bonds, Fidelity offers a range of options to fit various investment strategies.

Moving forward, understanding how to choose the right fidelity bond for your portfolio involves considering factors like credit risk, duration, yield, expense ratio, and diversification. This will ensure you are well-equipped to make informed investment decisions that align with your financial goals.

How to Choose the Right Fidelity Bond for Your Portfolio

When you’re looking to invest in best fidelity bonds, it’s like picking the perfect tool for a job. You need to consider several key factors to make sure the bond fits your financial goals and risk tolerance. Here’s how you can choose wisely:

Credit Risk

Credit risk is about assessing how likely it is that the issuer of the bond might fail to meet their payment obligations. Higher credit risk usually means higher potential returns, but also a greater chance of losing money. For instance, bonds rated below investment grade, often called “junk” bonds, typically offer higher yields due to their higher risk of default.


Duration measures how long it takes, on average, to recoup your invested capital. It also indicates how sensitive a bond is to interest rate changes. Shorter-duration bonds are less affected by interest rate hikes, making them a safer choice in a rising rate environment. On the other hand, longer-duration bonds might be suitable if you believe interest rates will decline.


Yield is what most investors first look at. It represents the income you can expect to earn from a bond, expressed as a percentage. Higher yields often come with higher risks, so it’s crucial to balance the desire for income with the potential for capital loss.

Expense Ratio

Every bond fund comes with costs, primarily through its expense ratio. This is a measure of what it costs an investment company to operate a mutual fund. A lower expense ratio means more of your money is invested towards earning returns rather than covering operational costs.


Diversification is about spreading your investments across various types of bonds to reduce risk. A well-diversified bond portfolio might include a mix of government, corporate, high-yield, and international bonds. This strategy can help manage risk and smooth out returns over time.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a fidelity bond that not only meets your income needs but also aligns with your risk tolerance and investment timeline. Choosing the right bond is crucial for maintaining a balanced and effective investment portfolio.

Investing in Bonds with Fidelity

Investing in bonds can be a smart way to earn steady income and diversify your investment portfolio. Fidelity offers a streamlined process for buying bonds, whether they are new issues or from the secondary market. Let’s break down these options and understand the advantages Fidelity provides, such as no commissions and transparent mark-up/mark-down fees.

Buying Process

Investing in bonds through Fidelity is straightforward. First, you can access comprehensive information on various bonds via Fidelity’s online platform. This platform allows you to review detailed bond data, including credit ratings, yield, and maturity dates, helping you make informed decisions. Once you’ve chosen a bond, you can purchase it directly through the platform with just a few clicks. This hassle-free process is designed to be user-friendly, even for those new to bond investing.

New Issue Market

Fidelity provides access to the new issue bond market, which includes bonds that are being offered to the public for the first time. This market can be particularly appealing because investors can buy bonds at par value, generally without any markup. Fidelity often offers bonds from a variety of issuers, including government entities, corporations, and municipalities, giving you a wide range of choices to suit your investment needs.

Secondary Market

If you’re looking for more variety or different pricing options, Fidelity’s secondary market offers previously issued bonds that other investors are looking to sell. This market often features a broader range of bond prices and yields, providing opportunities to buy bonds at a discount or premium based on current market conditions. Fidelity’s platform makes it easy to view and compare these options, ensuring you can find bonds that match your investment strategy.

No Commissions

One of the significant benefits of buying bonds through Fidelity is the absence of commission fees. This can lower the cost of your transactions and increase your potential returns. By eliminating commissions, Fidelity makes bond investing more accessible and cost-effective for all investors, whether you’re looking to invest a few thousand dollars or a few million.


When you buy or sell bonds in the secondary market, Fidelity provides transparency about any mark-up or mark-down costs. These are the fees added or subtracted from the bond’s price to cover the cost of the transaction. Fidelity’s clear disclosure of these fees ensures that you understand the total cost of your investment, helping you make more informed decisions.

By investing in bonds through Fidelity, you benefit from a user-friendly platform, a wide range of bond options, no commission fees, and transparent pricing. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the bond market, Fidelity provides the tools and resources you need to build a robust bond portfolio that aligns with your financial goals. Spreading your investments across various types of bonds can help manage risk and enhance the stability of your returns over time.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fidelity Bonds

What are Fidelity’s best bond funds?

Fidelity offers a variety of bond funds that cater to different investment goals and risk tolerances. Some of the best fidelity bonds include:

  • Fidelity Focused High Income Fund (FHIFX): Known for its high yield, this fund targets lower-quality, non-investment-grade bonds.
  • Fidelity Corporate Bond Fund (FCBFX): A more conservative option, focusing on investment-grade corporate bonds.
  • Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX): Offers a high yield and invests in floating rate loans, which can be less sensitive to interest rate changes.

These funds have been highlighted for their distinct strategies and performance metrics, catering to both high-risk and conservative investment approaches.

Which bond is the best to invest in?

The “best” bond to invest in depends on your individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. For example:

  • For stable income and lower risk: Investment-grade bonds like those found in the Fidelity Corporate Bond Fund (FCBFX) are suitable.
  • For higher income at higher risk: High-yield bonds, such as those in the Fidelity Focused High Income Fund (FHIFX), might be appropriate.

It’s important to assess how these options align with your overall investment strategy.

Does Fidelity have high yield bonds?

Yes, Fidelity offers several high yield bond options that seek to provide higher income potential. These include:

  • Fidelity High Income Fund: Focuses on lower-quality bonds with higher yields.
  • Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX): Invests in floating rate loans, typically offering higher yields than other fixed-income securities.
  • Fidelity Global High Income Fund: Provides exposure to high-yield bonds from around the world, increasing diversification.

These funds are designed for investors who are looking for higher income and are comfortable with taking on more risk.

By understanding the variety of bond funds Fidelity offers, you can tailor your investment to meet your specific financial needs and risk profile. Whether you’re looking for steady income or higher returns through increased risk, Fidelity provides options that can be integrated into a diverse investment portfolio.


Investing in bonds, particularly through best fidelity bonds, offers a range of benefits that can enhance the financial stability and growth of your investment portfolio. At Surety Bonds Co, we understand the importance of securing your investments and providing peace of mind.

Benefits of Bond Investing
Bonds are a cornerstone of conservative investment strategies. They provide regular income, reduce overall portfolio risk, and offer a safety net during economic downturns. By incorporating bonds into your investment strategy, you can enjoy a steady stream of income through interest payments, which can be especially appealing during times of market volatility.

One of the key advantages of bond investing is the potential for capital preservation. Bonds can serve as a buffer against the volatility of the stock market, making them an essential component for risk-averse investors or those nearing retirement.

Surety Bonds Co and Your Investments
At Surety Bonds Co, we specialize in providing tailored bond solutions that safeguard your investments. Our expertise in fidelity bonds means we can offer the best options to protect your organization from losses caused by acts such as fraud or dishonesty by employees. This layer of protection is critical for maintaining the integrity and sustainability of your business operations.

Investing in bonds through platforms like Fidelity allows you to access a broad range of bond funds, including high-yield options that can potentially increase your returns. Fidelity’s robust selection of bond funds, such as the Fidelity New Markets Income Fund and the Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund, provide diverse opportunities to earn income while managing risk.

Why Choose Us?
Choosing Surety Bonds Co means partnering with a leader in the bond market. We are committed to guiding you through the complexities of bond investment and ensuring that you have the right protections in place. Our fidelity bonds are designed to offer security and confidence, allowing you to focus on growing your investments.

For those interested in exploring the benefits of fidelity bonds further, or looking to enhance their investment portfolio with these instruments, we invite you to visit our Surety Bonds service page. Here, you can find detailed information and get started with securing a bond that meets your specific needs.

In conclusion, bond investing is a strategic choice that can provide both security and income. With the expertise of Surety Bonds Co and the diverse bond options available through platforms like Fidelity, you can effectively manage risk and pursue your financial goals with confidence.

Investing in Fidelity Bonds: A Guide to the Best Options

Investing in Fidelity Bonds: A Guide to the Best Options

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